New City Centre Location

For many years, the café for the homeless at Mt Pleasant has been a key part of our outreach in Liverpool. We’ve been grateful to the many volunteers and helpers who have been part of the work for so long.

Charitable Institution House on Slater Street in Liverpool

However, for some time we have been conscious that the premises at Mount Pleasant had become unsuitable for our use and needed major renovation. The forced closure of all cafés during the Covid lockdown helped us to review our situation and return with a renewed plan for the future. The Lord wonderfully guided us as we left Mount Pleasant. He generously provided a new City Centre location at the Charitable Institutional House in Slater Street.

This has provided us with all the space, and more, for our needs, of our new headquarters and resource centre. The Lord’s timing in all this has been truly awesome.

We rejoice that through one of our final outreach events at Mount Pleasant a man came to faith in Christ and was baptised a few months later. Praise the Lord!

We ask for prayer for great wisdom, boldness and courage, as LCM seeks to advance the work of the gospel in and throughout the city.